Meet our riggers!

Kazu Oyama
Master Rigger

  • Skydiving since 1995
  • 9000 Skydives
  • Back Pack Jobs: 982
  • Seat Pack Jobs: 118
  • 9 years of Rigging Experience
  • Worked as a Master Rigger at the UPT Rigging Loft for two seasons
  • Loft and equipment manager for Skydive Midwest since 2016

Any further questions, please reach out to me via kazu@skydivemidwest.com.  I enjoy teaching so if you would like to observe your reserve being packed, please contact me.

Future Aspirations:

  • To train and work in the rigging department of as many parachute manufacturers to gain standards and insight how to better service their products
  • Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner for Wisconsin (to teach and certify applicants for the FAA (Back, Seat and/or Chest rating)

Austin George
Senior Rigger

  • Skydiving since 2013
  • 2000+ Skydives
  • 7 years rigging experience

We offer full rigging services at our loft located at Skydive Midwest in Sturtevant, WI. Whether you need work done on tandem gear, pilot rigs, or your own gear, we can help! Gear can be shipped or dropped off at our loft; give us a call today at 262.886.3480 or visit our pricing page for more information!

Set up a time to talk to our riggers or drop your equipment off on our contact page, or by sending us an email at info@aglsvc.com.